jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014


"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion." Dale Carnegie

Students come to the class and one of the first thing teachers ask is how they are feeling that day. Most answers are instant like: "I'm fine, thanks, and you?" But what lies behind this "I'm fine" automated answer? Children experience a wide range of feelings during short periods of time and can switch quite fast from an exciting state to a boring one, but also vice-versa.

This is a series of four activities through which we tried to approach different meanings of feelings.

1. Balloon faces

Each student had to draw a particular emotion on the balloon, then in turns they had to identify them. Afterwards they gave an example of a situation in which they experienced that feeling. e.g " I was happy when I had a party for my birthday."


jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Cambios en los exámenes Cambridge FCE y CAE para 2015

partir de Enero de 2015 Cambridge hace algunas modificaciones en sus exámenes oficiales de inglés. Los exámenes afectados serán:  B2 FCE (first) - B2 FCE for Schools  - C1 CAE 
Aquí tenéis un resumen de los cambios más importantes para cada uno de los exámenes:

Albany Doodle 30th anniversary

Even if you can't draw, do a little doodle or rip an illustration from a magazine-these visuals will help you bring your idea to life.


"Doodles are fun, suprising and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries and the lives of famous artists, pioneers and scientists.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Home ideas and crafts

"It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home"

This is a series of three different activities that have been used in class with our level 3 students. There is always something special when teaching and talking about your own personal house. Most students live either in a flat or a house and they feel secure and enthusiastic when they describe their own places. 
But outside their universe there are many other ways of living. Some homes float on water, some can be found up trees and others are made in underground caves.
This is a presentation of houses around the world. It can be used as an warm-up and starting point:

1. Home moving

Students are given different instructions on where to locate each piece of furniture in our little wooden house. After putting each item in its corresponding place, a memory game is played and different pieces are moved around the house, so that students have to identify where their original place was and make a statement on it. For example: There was a wardrobe in the bedroom, but now it's in the living-room.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Halloween crafts and activities

"When witches go riding  
And black cats are seen, 
The moon laughs and whispers,  
'Tis near Halloween."

This year Halloween has been celebrated with great enthusiasm. Both teachers and children have turned this holiday into a great opportunity to learn about traditions and enjoy a wide range of activities.

Here's a list of different crafts and activities that have been used in class:

1. Find the ghost/spider/witch/bat.
  • Select a series of Halloween characters and hide them in different places of your class.
  • Make a list of sentences (clues) for each hidden character.
  •  Students read the clues and try to find them. It works well with two students at a time.
  • They love finding the characters, and they can hide them again for the next class. They will be more than happy to help the teacher hide them.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

4º Taller de Albany en la Feria de la Educación "Sigo Creciendo"

Está siendo una mañana de domingo estupenda para los niños en la feria. Laura, Nesly y Connie como siempre geniales. 
